hmmmmmmmmm.......: wait, what is that again?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

wait, what is that again?

I might not be able to post for a couple days, and I didn't want to leave that long self-involved blabbedy-blab up at the top, so I'll just add something here quick.

Sunday we went to the wedding of our friends Mike & Danielle (see photo on Loopy's blog). They make a great couple—they really seem to bring out the best in each other, to become better people just being around each other. That's pretty unusual and amazing, imo. (I mean, Loopy and I have many virtues as a couple, but I gotta admit that on a day-to-day basis we are more likely to bring out the irritable bitch in each other (as any of our friends can attest)(love you Lovey!)

Anyway, the wedding was lovely, the bar was open, the groom's sister was extremely hot, and in general, everything seemed to go well.

But I just gotta say one thing about one of the readings.

It was called "Tell me again, Love, what is a wedding?"

Ok, so I'll grant some poetic license for that being a dumb question. But here is what the poem says:
A wedding is earth and water
and a species of irreducible light
and the flat belly of a harbor
and a mango about to ripen and fall into gravity's caress
and the waves subsiding
and resuming their concerto in a minor key..."

Excuse, me, Mr. McNorris, sir, but a wedding is more like taffeta and tulle and a species of irritable mother-of-the-bride and the big belly of an uncle about to take the mike and sing another drunken Irish song before falling into gravity's caress, and the DJ resuming the slow songs and the single girls sighing in a minor key.

The thing you're describing there, well, that sounds a lot more like, um, well, I just gotta say, it sounds a lot more like hot sex.

I'm just saying.

OK, see you all in a few days.


Ang said...

Make that single girl sighing in a minor key.

And by girl, I mean Jessica.

Franklin said...

Oh dear.

I think I'd much rather go to the taffetta-and-slow songs wedding than the one with the falling mangoes. It sounds very messy.

Hey Birdfarm - you remember when my ideal wedding was Prince Edward in Westminster Abbey with the Archbishop of Canterbury presiding? My, how things change.

birdfarm said...

Joel's ideal wedding is apparently in St. Marks in Venice. My, how things stay the same. ;-)

Love you both of course. xoxoxo