hmmmmmmmmm.......: The canned bread

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The canned bread

Yes, it's actually called "B & M." I must have blocked that part out.

If you're bored (and why else would you be reading this?) click on the photo to read an amusing article about this food-like item, including "three unambiguously positive things [that] can be said about the bread."

If you're about to not-click, perhaps this caption (to another photo in the article) will be enough to entice you: "The B&M Bread lunar lander (right) turned an otherwise routine brunch into a hijink-laden orgy of engineering."

Ah, those hijink-laden orgies of of the things about college that I really miss.


Susan said...

Yep, Knit Wit is right on about the Maine thing...canned bread is at every bean supper in the state (ok, I haven't checked them all out, but it's been at every bean supper I've attended, and there are A LOT of bean suppers around here). Of course, the whole bean supper phenomenon is, much like canned bread, a touch unsettling. I've gone to a few with my hubbie who goes for political reasons (and the beans...I don't make beans). But there are folks who drive miles and miles to go to bean suppers. At one supper, we sat at a table with six other people, and most of them were from OUT OF STATE (and those who were not were from other towns)! What's up with that? Anyhow, there's this whole bean-supper-canned-bread sub-culture. Very scary.

goblinbox said...