hmmmmmmmmm.......: how's this

Saturday, June 18, 2005

how's this

...for The Philosophy That Will Fix My Life.

Distilled from Buddhism, therapy, Loopy, and "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff."

Every day I'll screw something up. That doesn't make me a screwup.
Every day I'll do something well. That doesn't make me a success.
Every day I'll learn something. That doesn't make me smart.
Every day I'll misunderstand something. That doesn't make me dumb.
Every day someone will think badly of me. That doesn't mean they're right.
Every day someone will think well of me. That doesn't mean they're right, either.

Trying to avoid the screwups and strive for the successes doesn't really make either one more likely. So just take it as it comes and keep going.

It's not about defining my identity or achieving some state of bliss. It's not about anything really.

It's just life. Don't take it so personally.

So, whaddya think? Damn, it didn't fix my whole life. Oh wait, the point is that it won't. Right. Arrrrghghhh. I was supposed to be somewhere an hour ago.


Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

ah grasshopper, it is only in defeat that we realize success :)

keep plugging away, loopy! every day is a new start (at least that's what I keep telling myself)

birdfarm said...

Yes, of course--that is, I think I might maybe see a difference...maybe, if I kinda squint...

Has it fixed yours?