hmmmmmmmmm.......: because the truth is, Joey Potter...*

Friday, June 17, 2005

because the truth is, Joey Potter...*

You thought you were upset when Dawson found out about you and Pacey?

Wait'll that guy with the face full of worms gasses you and your true love turns out to be a giant bat.

Yup. That bad. Plus, you still can't act for shit.

Yes, we saw Batman Returns or Begins or whatever the fuck tonight. It was pretty good. Main theme: Mind-altering drugs are bad. Or you have nothing to fear but fear itself. Or it's not who you are inside it's what you do that counts. Or don't throw your guests out of your birthday party because then you'll end up trapped under a burning log. Somethin like that. Whatever. Mr & Mrs Smith was better.

*When we used to watch Dawson's Creek every night, Loopy & I had an informal list of the most annoying, most often repeated phrases. "The truth is" was pretty much #1, and if Joey was addressing Dawson, it was always, "The truth is, Dawson Leery..."


Ang said...

Whatever back at you. I thought it was good.

birdfarm said...

I liked it, don't get me wrong--I had fun & I'd definitely recommend it, although I probably wouldn't bother to see it again in the theater. Maybe I'll rent it someday. Like that.

It just lends it self to sarcastic humor, ya gotta admit.

Ang said...

Fair enough. Batman's my favorite superhero, though, so maybe that's why I'm so excited.