hmmmmmmmmm.......: AWOL

Monday, June 06, 2005


No, for real.

This week my job is to schlepp an AWOL war resister around town. He's an interesting guy, and I feel like this is the first genuinely useful thing I've done in opposition to the war. Protests are important but the only way to actually stop a war is to dry up the supply of soldiers willing to fight it.

I've been taking him to local high schools. I look out at the sleepy, doodling kids and think, "One day you'll look back on this and realize how extraordinary this situation was. I hope it's not when you get drafted yourselves."

BTW, apparently they're thinking of scrapping "don't ask don't tell," along with allowing women into combat, so.... watch out.

Check out his website at I'm not linking it--just cut & paste into your browser.

Like I said, an interesting guy.

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