hmmmmmmmmm.......: Manversation

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I burst out laughing when I saw this photo.

Three Harvard Deans stroll through the Yard

That's Theda Skocpol in the middle; apparently she was recently named Dean of something.

For those of you "in the know," the photo speaks for itself.

For those of you lucky enough not to be "in the know" (i.e., lucky enough not to be sociology grad students at a certain institution), let me tell you about manversation.*

Manversation: Toward an Epistemological Hermeneutics**

The term "manversation" came into use to describe an activity in which two or more persons*** discourse simultaneously, generally without listening to one another, while peppering their speech with key terms and references that demonstrate their proficiency in the topic at hand.

To meet the definition, the participants must use louder, deeper voices (compared to their normal speaking voices) and continuously emphasize their "points" with authoritative gesticulation.

In some quarters, the explanation for this odd activity is that it is actually not a form of conversation, but rather, a form of...well, this picture speaks for itself, too.

Photo credit: John Macken. Check out his website full of gorgeous, free photos (well, free for private use).

* This is the definition as I understand it; corrections are welcome, particularly from those who witnessed the birth of the term.

** I never remember what either of these words mean; if I used them correctly, it was entirely accidental. I think I misspelled both, too. My days as an intellectual are fading into the distant past. I have mixed feelings about this.

*** Yes, women can also manversate. Heck, I've done it myself (though I've been trying to reform myself ever since Bean told me to cut it out, about 13 years ago).


nadine said...

I did? I don't remember the conversation but it doesn't surprise me.

birdfarm said...

I believe the words "talking shop" and "smug" were used.

Does that bring it all back? ; )

Incidentally, Loopy read this comment aloud to me over breakfast and then added in heartfelt tones, "Thank god for Nadine!"

Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

actually, i said "god bless nadine, god bless everyone" and i'm not invoking any highter power here, just mis-quoting from tiny tim?

and the term "manversating" was coined by none other than jbrown, who's blog you should really read.

nadine said...

No I don't recall - I wish I did though. *grin* Lack of sleep causes large holes in my brain.

I just organized a tech conference where the audience was 10% women (and only that many because I poked at the invitation issuing committee).

Very typical dynamics - here's one: One young female manager was astonished when, in the middle of a (generally supportive) conversation about diversity, the most senior guy decided to go to the restroom. The two other guys jumped up, went with him, and continued the conversation. I said that she should have followed them until they realized what they were doing (probably right at the door of the restroom).

Chris said...

i think you should run a contest - ask us to submit dialogue for that scene. offer a prize of dubious value. require us to use old grad school jargon (not necessarily correctly). award points for vocab and general silliness (think python) to determine the winner.

200 extra points for anyone who slides "panopticon" and "epistemology" and "post-modern angst" in there.

MWAH -- xe

birdfarm said...

Nadine - great suggestion to your colleague. Actually I like the idea of her following them into the restroom, maybe propping her elbow on the wall to watch them pee (preferably while making some kind of devastatingly brilliant and slightly humorous comment on the subject at hand).

Rie - I like the contest idea--but, dialogue for which scene--the deans or the turkeys? ;)