hmmmmmmmmm.......: Why Loopy is perfect

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Why Loopy is perfect

Loopy thinks she's being unbearable lately but actually she's really been quite adorable, in a sort of insane panicky way.

Example #1: On Friday she stormed out of her study and announced that I was driving her crazy--that she knew I was putzing fruitlessly on my computer, hour after hour, day after day, and she just couldn't stand to see me making myself miserable and sabotaging myself. She was going to go study in her office at school from now on (an empty threat; studying in the middle of the sidewalk at Broadway & 84th would be less distracting) or maybe I could go take a trip or something, just go away for a couple days, because maybe that would get me out of my rut and anyway she just couldn't stand it.

The next day was Juneteenth as I mentioned previously. I left the house around 12:30. At 5:30 she calls me and says in this voice that is so adorable and plaintive that I could just eat it up with a spoon, "Now I miss you, I'm sorry I said all that, are you coming home soon???"

Example #2: I just went in and told her about my previous blog post. She nodded approvingly (while knitting away furiously at that circular object, eventually a shawl but at the moment much more like a lacy kippa/yarmulke), and said, "You just need to embrace the real you."

"What, selfish, lazy and annoying?" I said, half-joking, half-ready-to-pout.

She shrugged. "That's everyone."*

That was the nicest thing anyone ever said to me.

*Note: you, dear reader, are of course the exception; once again, the reference is to everyone else. Except Loopy, who is perfect. QED.

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