hmmmmmmmmm.......: overdue

Friday, October 28, 2005


fyi, if you were here yesterday, Friday's posts have been edited...they were a bit long & rambling...I mean, worse than usual

So I dumped my therapist.

You may remember this post, when I realized that I had a crappy therapist, er, I mean, a therapist who did not meet my current needs.

Here is a small sample of our concluding conversation:

Me: See, I realize I don't have good boundaries with you because, even now, I'm just sitting here worrying about what you think.

Her: Well, here's what I think—

Me: No, I don't want to know what you think. That's the whole point. I shouldn't be worrying about what you think.

Her: Good, very good—excellent boundary-setting. And I respect that. But just let me say one thing...[proceeds to tell me what she thinks]

If you're wondering why I didn't dump her years ago, well, I can't answer that question. If I knew why I do half the things I do, I wouldn't need therapy.

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