hmmmmmmmmm.......: happy happy joy joy

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

happy happy joy joy

Our new rice cooker! We are ecstatic.

This is our third rice cooker.

The first one was inherited from Japanese friends who went home. It served me well for many long friends may remember it (as it will always remember (tho never tell) whoever it was who scratched the hell out of the formerly non-stick surface while it was living at 14 Endicott Ave in the summer of 1991).

But finally, it started burning the rice, and then the foot broke. I propped it up for a while but had to give in.

The second one was a dud—Cuisinart. What were we thinking?? Always boiled over, rice always hard or mushy...glad to be rid of that one!

But this one.... ah.... bliss.

It uses some kind of fancy-shmancy magnetic induction cooking process (???) which causes every grain to come out perfectly.

And, as you may be able to tell from the photo, it has a bunch of different settings, for brown rice, white rice, sushi rice, etc. and within that you can specify if you like it slightly firmer or softer!

Right now, it's on the "timer" setting. This promises that we will have freshly-cooked brown rice when we wake up at seven tomorrow morning. I can hardly wait.

It really is ridiculous how happy this makes us.

Its name is Rosie.


Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

yes, wonderful, the brown rice is wonderful, especially with the super-special umeboshi we brought back from japan (pickled plums)!

but, best of all, it plays a song when it starts cooking (twinkle, twinkle, little star) and another one (amaryllis) when it's done! so cute! so tasty! so very japanese!

goblinbox said...

My fave is brown rice made in an osawa pot inside a pressure cooker. THAT'S the most delicious rice ever.

Congrats on the new cooker, though!

birdfarm said...

oh, right, Mushlette, act like you're all better than us and THEN say congrats.

Poop on your osawa pot, too.


(What the heck is an osawa pot?)