hmmmmmmmmm.......: even more like a grown-up

Sunday, April 17, 2005

even more like a grown-up

Of one thing and one thing only, I am absolutely sure: I got the best haircut of my life on Friday.

It looks fantastic. Not "pretty," not "fashionable," but somewhat "cute;" however, more importantly for the job search, it makes me look like a tidy, competent, organized and professional.

It's the same haircut my seventh-grade English teacher (Ms. Work, beleive it or not) had. It helps me feel confident--I look in the mirror and think to myself--"I'm going to be a competent, organized professional, just like Ms Work."

Haircuts are weird like that, aren't they--what else can help revolutionize your self-image so quickly? Love, maybe--but for me, a good haircut has been harder to find.


nadine said...

heh - I've been wanting to get my hair cut for a long time now but I've never found anyone in Seattle that I trust. I go to an Asian salon to get my hair straightened but I don't really like the hair cuts that I see walking out of the salon - sort of the young asin hello kitty generation - and I don't really like the owner either. I really miss Ronny from Cambridgeside Galleria.

Post a picture?

birdfarm said...

I miss your "road to Lhasa" crew cut! If I can find one, I'm gonna post a picture of *that*!

heh heh *evil cackle*

nadine said...

Too bad this series of pix weren't taken just a few weeks earlier. I had a crew cut again when I was 28.

I really liked having a crew cut. It was very uncomplicated.