hmmmmmmmmm.......: rapture

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


We're going to a party tonight where a drinking game will be played. Normally I don't drink much (though back in NYC I did have a phase of more frequent indulgence--I was working 60 to 80 hours a week, and like most New Yorkers in such circumstances, I had to find a way to avoid realizing how miserable this made me). Normally I don't play drinking games.

However, this game is fun even to read about. Apparently one watches a wacko-christian television show (possibly called "End of Days"?) and drinks as follows:
Drink once...
1. Whenever someone says "End of Days," "End Times" or "Apocalypse"
2. Whenever the word "Christ" is mentioned.
3. Whenever some academic or leftist's later slide into the firey pit is presaged by his/her enthusiatic espousal of Darwinism, the Big Bang, general principles of science, or the germ theory of disease.
4. Whenever Catholics are defamed
5. Whenever Euthanasia advocates, Pro-Choice activists, feminists, gays, Jews or Muslims are defamed.

Drink twice...
1. Whenever a biblical verse flashes up on screen
2. Whenever the face/image of Jesus/The Virgin manifests on an inanimate object
3. Whenever the word "Antichrist" is mentioned

Aaaand...In case of the Rapture, drain the whole bottle.

Prior to this we are having dinner with one of our favorite people, Marina (for those of you who don't know her, imagine Sylvia from college, except as a bitterly cynical yet extremely funny Communist Serb who fled war-torn Sarajevo at 14 after being shot in the stomach). She promises to bring a bottle of Slivovitz to the party. This promises to be very interesting. I promise to let you know how it turns out.

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