hmmmmmmmmm.......: in defense of my haircut

Thursday, April 21, 2005

in defense of my haircut

it looked a lot better when she blew it dry at the salon.

when i wrote that original post i wasn't thinking about anybody seeing it (since i always assume nobody's reading, which clearly is a dangerous assumption), so i wasn't anticipating the moment when people would say to themselves, "THAT? that's the best haircut she ever had in her LIFE? where's she been getting it cut up to now, the dog groomers?"

of course, i have no proof that anybody said any such thing to themselves.

but that's what i'd say if I were you and you were me, with this haircut.


nadine said...

Yes - I loved the crewcuts - I never had to worry about your blowdrying skills. I never had a bad hair day. I never even had to dry my hair.

I'm getting a "hair consultation" next week where I'm going to say - I suck at hair drying and I hate spending time doing any kind of styling. I want a professional but not harsh looking hair style that's easy to manage. And I don't want to have to pay an arm and a leg every 4 weeks to keep it this way with "product" and "touch ups". Thermal straightening costs upwards of $400 a pop - I've been making it last a year and not getting any other haircuts.

We'll see how quickly he kicks me out of the salon.

birdfarm said...

Probably won't toss you out but probably won't listen or follow directions either. *sigh* That's what made me initially happy about this haircut--the stylist listened and followed directions, so it was tidy rather than trendy or cute. But I think hair stylists can't conceive of someone who just isn't good at blowdrying. It's like art or wine aficionados, who can't imagine not having words to describe a painting or flavor.

nadine said...

Well my hair is falling out on schedule (post pregnancy), and the straightening thingy is wearing off and my hair has a mind of its own now.

I went to a salon that had good reviews and he recommended that I either 1) restraighten and trim or 2) curl and trim or 3) cut short again. Short won't be as severe as the haircuts I've had in the past, but it would be short and easy to manage

Guess what I've decided to do?

birdfarm said...

goody!!! post pictures! I insist!!!
