hmmmmmmmmm.......: the many moods of Mr. Snog

Saturday, April 16, 2005

the many moods of Mr. Snog

In a further attempt to lighten the somber (sombre?) tone the blog has taken lately, we present a little slideshow of Snog photos for your enjoyment:
The Siberian husky,
wolf-dog of the frozen tundra.
Alone, aloof, half-wild:
the ultimate survivor
amid vast and desolate
arctic wastes.

The Siberian husky
is also a big playful goofball...
...and is not ashamed to say
"please please please
Mommy pretty please!!!!!"
when the occasion demands.

Snoggy trivia item #485: Snog's real name is "Usagi." It means "Rabbit" in Japanese, because when he was little, his ears were too big for his head, and he used to hop from two feet to two feet in the snow, like a rabbit.

Snoggy trivia item #486: Nicknames include "Snoggybunny," "Mr. Snog," "the Snogster," "Snoggerino," and "Bunnyboy."

Snoggy trivia item #487: In England, "to Snog" means "to make out." I like to stretch this a bit to mean "to cuddle," in which case it's the perfect name for him, because he's extremely cuddly.

Snoggy trivia item #488: Mr. Snog used to own a sushi shop in Manhattan, but he had to sell it. He never talks about this business failure, but we suspect he just couldn't keep from eating up the profit margin. As far as I know, "Usagi Sushi" is still going strong, but under new, less hungry management.

Snoggy trivia item #489: Snoggy wants to eat a cat, or really, all cats; also, he thinks goats look quite tasty. So far he has had to content himself with a lot of voles, a chipmunk, and a possum (well, we didn't let him eat the possum). He is however not at all dangerous to small children, although he did once eat a bagel right out of the hand of a child in the park. The only time he ever met a cow he barked at it, a lot.

Snoggy trivia item #490: Once Snoggy got hit by a car. It didn't bother him at all.

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