hmmmmmmmmm.......: monty python goes to Iraq

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

monty python goes to Iraq

So apparently Terry Jones, of Monty Python fame, is also a political satirist. And a good one too... here's a link to a recent article of his in the Guardian (the link is actually to the InfoShop website as I know its archives remain in place & I don't know about the Guardian).

Let Them Eat Bombs
The doubling of child malnutrition in Iraq is baffling
Terry Jones, The Guardian
Tuesday April 12, 2005

A report to the UN human rights commission in Geneva has concluded that Iraqi
children were actually better off under Saddam Hussein than they are now.
This, of course, comes as a bitter blow for all those of us who, like George
Bush and Tony Blair, honestly believe that children thrive best when we drop
bombs on them from a great height, destroy their cities and blow up hospitals,
schools and power stations.

Read the rest of the article for more information on the many earnest attempts and sad failures of "The Department of Making Things Better for Children in the Middle East By Military Force."

It's rather grim humor, but it will make you laugh even as you wince.

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