hmmmmmmmmm.......: my new favorite sweater

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

my new favorite sweater

So the other day at Marshall Fields in Chicago I picked up a new sweater. It's a designer name, on triple-quadruple-ultra-super-duper clearance—best kind of shopping, of course.

of course, it's much wider on me!

I love this sweater because it's extremely warm and extremely soft (angora & lambswool), also did I mention it was on clearance? Plus it's in some of my favorite colors.

But for some perverse reason, I love it extra-specially because Loopy just HATES it.

She hates the cheesy pseudo-southwestern pattern. I think she hates the colors. But she most especially hates, hates, HATES the fake-fur-trimmed hoodie.

I think it looks cute, but Loopy called in reinforcements who supported her position. So, fine. It's still warm and cozy. And, did I mention, it was on clearance? ;-)


goblinbox said...

That sweater fucking ROCKS.

birdfarm said...

ha, take that, Loopy!!!


Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

can't you all just leave me alone?!

oh, the inhumanity of it all :)

birdfarm said...

Hey, it's still three to two on your side (thanks a lot, you know who you are) so I don't see where you have cause to complain. ;-)

My word verification word is "noofni." No, I'm not making that up. If I were going to give my sweater a name, "noofni" might not be a bad one.

I think Mush might be right about my pills...

miriam said...

i kinda like it, yo. fuzzy hood. knitting is one thing, i can respect despising the pattern. but the fuzzy hood? cannot be passed up!