hmmmmmmmmm.......: so, fine.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

so, fine.

In desperation (must blog! no feelings! go awaaaay!) I return to the random poem generator, which, based on my blog URL, gives me a long poem ending thus:

    with crisp veggies, or
    pesto, or what is—big
    prayer wheels
    in her position. So, fine.

hee hee.


Well, that was good for a couple minutes. Time to watch Firefly.


goblinbox said...

That generator doesn't do funny things with my page. It works well on yours, though. I mean, pesto? PESTO! Who could possibly go wrong with pesto!

birdfarm said...

Exactly! Especially not Loopy with pesto. What could be more perfect.

Who says the random poem generator doesn't do funny things with your page? Sometimes you have to try it a couple times and just pick the funniest excerpts. Here is my favorite bit I got from your page:

The Dead
Cock, upstairs Fuck groove
is planned in Palm Sunday.
This story, which is
freed from
Google Turkey People using Google
Belgium. I&#
were totally under my forehead.

LOL! (wonder what Mom thinks I'm up to in here!)

goblinbox said...



birdfarm said...

yes, "totally under my forehead" just completely cracked me up. :-)