hmmmmmmmmm.......: i do not eat to stuff my feelings

Saturday, February 11, 2006

i do not eat to stuff my feelings

I'm going to Arizona tomorrow b/c Dad's having minor surgery on Monday.

It's purely coincidental that, as soon as I picked up the phone to call my parents about this, I decided to eat a chocolate-vanilla swirl jello pudding snack.

Maybe I'll have another one. Rats, got chocolate on the keyboard.

I don't blog to stuff my feelings, either.


miriam said...

my chocolate pudding love is with you.

birdfarm said...

Ah, that's not as odd in the context of the post... which does after all mention chocolate pudding as a substitute for love... whew...I admit I was slightly horrified when this dropped into my inbox out of context.

uh, thanks, Miri! I know what you mean... yeah. Thanks! ;-)

goblinbox said...

Neither do I. EVER.