hmmmmmmmmm.......: Nadine's baby girl...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Nadine's baby girl...

Since friends from college make up an increasing proportion of my occasional readers—not to mention fully half of my most regular readers (a.k.a. Franklin)(my other regular reader is Loopy who, thank goodness, has rarely been in spitting distance of my alma mater, and when she was there, she pretty much spat most of the time)—I thought I'd post the following. Plus, it's just too darn cute not to share.

Here is Alexa Sophia, flying through the air courtesy of Nadine's hubby Chip.

god, she's adorable!

See more of Nadine's baby pix or read her blog for entertaining updates on Alexa's growth and daily life...(and other topics as well).


Franklin said...

Omigosh, I don't know how I missed this the first time around. Nadine! Baby! Holy cow. Cute baby! Nadine, mama? Wow! Holy cow.

I suddenly feel very old now and am going to go sit in a chair and knit until the feeling goes away.

Because, you know, nothing says "youth" like staying in and knitting on a Friday night.

birdfarm said...

It could be worse. It could be pictures of Nadine's daughter's college graduation.