hmmmmmmmmm.......: going to chicago, and then Japan

Thursday, May 19, 2005

going to chicago, and then Japan

Well, not immediately afterward. But in honor of the Chicago trip—whose highlight will be seeing Franklin again after lo these many years!—I'm posting an old photo of me & Franklin.

I was going to post all about both trips and lots of photos, but I stayed up all night last night and it's catching up with me. Then I was going to scan in a better picture than this, then I was going to at least try to make this picture a little less blurry, but, same story. Also, I was going to post a moving and grateful response to Franklin's tribute to me. But not right now. Gotta sleep.

Q: So why am I just slapping this photo up here despite having fallen short of all my other goals?

A: So that I can feel that I accomplished something in the last forty minutes since I came home & DIDN'T immediately climb into the hot bath & nap I'd promised myself.

Here is probably the best photo of Franklin and myself in our younger years. There are many others, but I have to make sure it's ok with Franklin before I post them. (No, no, you naughty-minded guttersnipes, nothing like that. Worse, actually—they're just photos of us behaving very, very strangely.)

We were on our way to the Lowell House Waltz. We're in Beth B's room, I think (but those two posters were ubiquitous; I included them 'specially). That dance was a lot of fun—a LOT of fun—definitely worth a lot more of a post; maybe later.

All's I'll say now is, little tip: never wear a long-sleeved corduroy dress to perform any strenuous activity.


Franklin said...

Sweet Jesus, look at that haircut. No wonder I couldn't get laid.

birdfarm said...

I'm struck by the enormous glasses on both of us, myself. Ah, the 80s (hey, they were barely over!).

But if memory serves, you got laid a heck of a lot more than most of us, so shut up.