hmmmmmmmmm.......: a little levity

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

a little levity

Mom reads aloud from a book - the second law of thermodynamics:
S2 - S1 = q/T

and the author's paraphrase: "everything goes to hell unless you prop it up."

. . . . . . . . . . .

Earlier, with the financial guy, we chatted about traveling in Spain and Portugal.

"I don't remember much about that trip," I confessed. "I was fourteen. I spent the whole time in the back seat with my headphones on, listening to Duran Duran and trying to imagine that I was somewhere doing something really cool."

Financial guy responded, without missing a beat: "Little did you know, you were."

1 comment:

Chris said...

wow -- extremely cool financial guy. (-;