hmmmmmmmmm.......: Loopy-Loopy dialogue #74,438

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Loopy-Loopy dialogue #74,438

I googled "intradural extramedullary" (see below) and it called it a "mass" rather than a tumor.

Me: Loopy, it's not a tumor, it's a mass.

Loopy: A mass? A mass of what?

Me (thinking of an episode of Blackadder* that I watched with Nadine a million years ago): Maybe it's an oppressed mass.

Loopy: I have The People in my back.

Stay tuned for more humor that's only funny to us!

*transcript for your edification:

Edmund (to Prince George): ...Next week is your royal father's birthday celebrations. I suggest that I write a brilliant speech for you to recite to show the oppressed masses how unusually sensitive you are.

Prince George: Well, tell me about these "oppressed masses", what are they so worked up about?

Edmund: They're worked up, sir, because they're so poor, they're forced to have children simply to provide a cheap alternative to turkey at Christmas. Disease and depravation stalk our land like.. two giant.. stalking things. And the working man is poised to overthrow us.

(Baldrick enters carrying a mop.)

Prince George: Oh my God, and here he is!

Edmund: Don't be silly, sir. That's Baldrick, my dogsbody.

Prince George: What's silly about that? He looks like an oppressed mass to me. Get him out of here at once!


nadine said...


goblinbox said...

Yeah, it's funny to me too. *shrug* Isn't it wonderful how we find each other? ;-)