hmmmmmmmmm.......: and the good news continues!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

and the good news continues!

so before I even had a chance to blog about how great my interview went yesterday, they called me back for a second interview! monday at 10 am! and this time I'm supposed to bring some lesson plans and stuff like that! I'm so excited!

so this is kind of anti-climactic, but, by the way, my interview went great yesterday. :-)

The oddest thing is that it was really, really fun! I know, right, whoever heard of an interview being fun? For one thing, I made jokes and they loved them. One of the questions was, "how do you motivate students to work beyond their comfort level?" Totally deadpan, I responded, "I threaten them with corporal punishment." The guy who asked the question broke into a huge grin and said, "all right, all right!" in a great Southern accent, and they made some comments to each other about how I would fit right in.

They asked when I could start and I said, "tomorrow." "How about yesterday?" was the response. Again, deadpan, I said, "oh, no, I'm busy yesterday." They loved that too.

The coolest thing is that everyone I've met from this place just seems totally, totally cool. Completely right-on. I've immediately liked everyone I met. They all seem totally without pretense or BS, comfortable, kind, caring, and very importantly, cheerful in a not-forced, not-fake kind of way, like they like their work. Most of the people in the interview had been there twenty years or more.

I hope I still get to go to Iran, but I hope even more that I get this job.

It feels really right and the best thing is, it feels like a good fit. I feel like I have done all the things that are being asked of me, I know how to do them, I've done them before, I'm good at them. It's totally different from most if not all of my previous jobs where I've over-sold myself and had to scramble to live up to the interview. I don't feel like I have to do the hardest thing. This work will be good work and it will be challenging but at a good level for me.

My biggest fear/concern is keeping my life sane. Not letting the job eat all my free time and sanity and all the mental health I've struggled to gain.

In Miriam's writing class I discovered that on some level I am terrified of and opposed to taking any job, that I just want to hide in my house for the rest of my life (not that that wasn't obvious from the way I've lived the last two years of my life!) So I don't want to disrespect or ignore those feelings. But I do want to forge ahead anyway....


Loopy's back didn't hurt AT ALL today!!!! WOW!!!! it's too soon to be sure yesterday's procedure worked, and it's not just the lingering anesthesia--and even if it did work we don't know how long it will continue to work..... but, fingers crossed...

Very exciting! she might have her life back soon! i already feel like i have my wife back! Yay!

Yesterday was a very long day tho! Whew!

1 comment:

Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

ah, it WAS such a great day... until evening when the fucking back began hurting again... argh...
but loopy, i'm so proud of you and you're reaping the benefits of your very hard work this summer! love that so much!
