hmmmmmmmmm.......: anyone out there?

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

anyone out there?

just out of curiosity (and, ok, also because i didn't get invited to the ultra-cool blogging girls' dinner)(I'm getting over it), I was wondering if anyone reads this besides Loopy? I mostly write just for the heck of it, but let's be honest, I do sort of hope that someone will read it. So, I am conducting a poll of, as Chris(sy) always says, "my 1.3 readers." So...... if you see this post, please post a comment or email me................

1 comment:

Chris said...

i read your blog all the time, ginny dear! you are on my regular reads list -- i just about check every day.

i just now got my frelling password organized for my (very old) blogger account (earth alchemy used to be on blogger); hence why i just now commenting. been meaning to for a while now.

peace -- chrissy (remember the old "xe" nickname from high school?)