hmmmmmmmmm.......: Arp.

Thursday, June 04, 2009


Was grading last night while Loopy watched The World According to Garp. Never my favorite movie, though it does have some good moments (the airplane crashing into the house, for example - and Garp's comment - "it's been pre-disastered.")

But it did get me thinking about why I like those birth-to-death sagas and multi-generational epics (preferably set in another time and/or place, with plenty of history and/or politics stirred in, but that's not the point). Before falling asleep (with Loopy still watching the movie in the background) I wrote in my journal:

[These types of books/films] chronicle how we lose things, pieces, along the way. How our assumptions, beliefs, unshakable truths give way to compromises, uncertainties, resignations. And how, somehow, at the end, perversely, we feel - or sometimes glimpse - ourselves richer for all these exchanges.
by randihausken
by JG Schou

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