
Monday, January 11, 2010

wow, has it really been since the 5th that i haven't posted? nadly emailed me a nudge and i appreciate it...

i think Harry Reid *should* step down over his racist remarks. just sayin'.

i haven't posted because i haven't wanted to look too closely at the self-care thing. maybe because i had a bit of frush-frama again, looking to someone outside myself with whom i hoped to become friends, as someone who was going to fill up voids and vacuums in my life... but that person has vanished into the sunset, so, back to reality. and somewhat shame-facedly too.

that was the whole point of starting this checkin, to remember that nothing outside myself was going to help me feel better, feel whole, feel good, whatever - that only self-care can do that. but sometimes one can't help kinda hoping or wishing.

um. so. self care. i started another book, which - I don't know, why does it feel so much more satisfying than being on the puter?

not getting enough of my work done, which doesn't feel as good as getting my work done. but i don't berate myself anymore. what needs to get done, gets done. sooner or later.

i came home early today feeling motivated and with a stack of work. now i just want to go to bed but it's too early. there's no one around to IM with. whatever shall i do?

i'm not coming up with any specifically self-caring things i did today, am i.


Chris said...

you wrote here. that's self-care, b/c you are reaching out. i hear you, and i love you.

you should know that getting what works needs to be done, done is indeed getting your work done. b/c there's always more work to do -- and not all of it needs to be done now. (note to self: remember this as grading piles up now that spring term has begun.)

nadine said...

I second that. You wrote here. I think its even more important to ground yourself when you feel swept off your feet into a high of some sort.