hmmmmmmmmm.......: healing thinking... six things that have helped me

Sunday, January 17, 2010

healing thinking... six things that have helped me

I felt that the previous post was depressing me so I thought I'd revisit something I learned in the intensive outpatient program over the summer... six ways to think positively, to undermine self-sabotage. It has really been a life-saver for me - stuck on a post-it on my bathroom mirror - how many mornings has one of them caught my eye and helped me start the day on the right track, or go to bed in peace?

1) What is going well right now?
School is overall going well. I got asked to be curriculum specialist. My marriage is great. Things are going well for me - they really are.

2) Stay in the present - what do I do NOW?
Now, I'll finish writing this and go to bed.

3) Remember my accomplishments
I went to Harvard and graduated summa. I lived in Japan and learned Japanese. I traveled all around the world by myself. I learned some of the language everywhere I went. I've traveled to all kinds of places since then and learned bits of more languages. I learned web design and became a (however faulty) managing director at a company. I went back to school even though it was very difficult. I stuck it out through the first two hellish years of teaching. I've gotten through a whole semester (minus two weeks) of teaching here without falling down. I can do the next thing too.

4) Replace "I can't do it" with "I can do a little of it."
Self-care doesn't have to be perfect tomorrow any more than anything else has to be perfect tomorrow. Just do a little bit every day, then try to do a little more; it's all ok.

5) I am ok on my own.
Remember that I fear abandonment and that I can relax with that fear. I am actually ok on my own and I can care for myself. The neediness that I feel is just a feeling. I am ok. Allowing that neediness to be expressed puts unbearable pressure on other people and destroys relationships. Breathe. I'm ok.

6) Remember I have a purpose in my life.
I want to help and heal.

I recommend these six to anyone who needs a more positive outlook... as I said they've helped me many times and now they are helping me end this day on a positive note.

Love you all.

1 comment:

miriam said...

Woo hoo! You go!

Love you, too.