hmmmmmmmmm.......: New photos of Nadine's and Colin's visits

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

New photos of Nadine's and Colin's visits

I posted a bunch of pix to my Flickr site from the last two weekends with dear college friends. I don't know why I didn't write a blog post about what a great time we had with Colin, and now I'm too tired to write about either weekend. But, here are some pix. Click on any photo for a larger version.

Colin generously splitting his key lime cupcake with me. We had a wonderful picnic while waiting for an outdoor Bonnie Raitt concert. I'm a huge BR fan and I love picnics, so the whole expedition was sheer heaven for me.

Two good-looking people in a lovely light...

Ice cream on Armitage St., enjoying the cool evening after a hot day

Bean and her Beanlet visit the Shiny Bean (aka Cloud Gate in Millennium Park)

Click here to see more on Flickr.

Note: You can only see them if I've marked you a "friend" in Flickr; if I haven't, email me your Flickr i.d. and I will rectify the problem (assuming I actually consider you a friend... just kidding, anyone who reads this blog is a friend...both because I'm grateful to have readers, and because mostly only my friends know about it!)

1 comment:

nadine said...

We had a great time with you both. Thanks so much for your hospitality! So little time...sigh