hmmmmmmmmm.......: a whole lotta hollerin'...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

a whole lotta hollerin'...

...going on at our place.*

"Hey Lovey, look at my blog!"




"Didja see my comment?"
"No, hold on!......hee hee that's terrible!"
"Ha! I know!"




"I posted another comment!"




"Did you see my response?"
"Where, on my blog or yours?"
"On mine!"
"OK, I'll go look....."

...and at the end of this exchange...

"This is so much better than just talking!"
"Yeah, definitely!"

Yes, we know we are completely insane.

But at least we're not like the people in that story (was it supposed to be Bill & Melissa Gates?) who go see the same movie in different cities and "sit together" via their cell phones. We actually do interact in person.

Although we won't for the next week and that is making me very, very sad. What's a week of socialist organizing in San Francisco—plus re-connecting with old college buddies and a couple of cousins—compared to sitting in the house with the rain dripping, hollering back & forth with Lovey?

It's slightly alarming to me that I'm not being sarcastic there, but really would much prefer to sit here in the house with Loopy—listening to the rain and watching our groggy dog (just back from the vet) circling about drooling & running into things—than do anything else in the universe.**

It's funny because I used to want to do nothing but travel. But I guess that was because I didn't feel "at home" anywhere in the world. Now I feel at home wherever Loopy is. Sappy but true.

I'll miss my Loveygirl. *sigh*

*We were yelling back and forth from our respective offices where we were "working" at our respective computers.

**Notice how crucial the punctuation was in that sentence. I'm still not sure it doesn't say that Loopy and I are the ones who are circling about, drooling & running into things, but let me just assure you that we are not.

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