hmmmmmmmmm.......: Foo-Foo deux

Monday, July 18, 2005

Foo-Foo deux

Thanks to Rie for the Little Bunny Foo-Foo link that she provided in recent comments. I had forgotten the rest of the song, but when I saw all the lyrics I remembered hearing them...from my sometimes-friend Caryn Scott, somewhere between second and fourth grade, in Campfire Girls.

Ah, the Campfire Girls...Thank goodness Mom ran that Campfire Girls club (not troop, that's our better-known competitors, the Girl Scouts), otherwise I never would have had ANY contact with "normal" girls my age & would have remained completely under-socialized.

I would've been like Olivia L., the girl Loopy & I babysat & took to see the first Shrek—she had never read any of the original fairy tales so she didn't get any of the jokes.

Heh—I probably woulda ended up living in the woods somewhere, all unkempt and not leaving the house for days....waitaminute...I am living in the—never mind.

Ahem, back to our topic! To Franklin, who commented that he has heard two random references to this song within a short time span, I think it can only mean one thing: the Good Fairy is coming to get you. My advice: refrain from boppin' any field mice, and wear something sparkly and fabulous that shows off those abs.

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