hmmmmmmmmm.......: I love Loopy

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I love Loopy

four-song dedication to Lovey, on the jukebox at the bar, paid for with one dollar from the communal drink fund (such good socialists we are!)

1. Let's give 'em something to talk about (Bonnie Raitt)
2. Something in the way she moves (James Taylor)
3. Love of my life (Santana)
4. Brown-eyed girl (Van Morrison)

The first song I think of as our "getting together song." I can't quite remember why anymore, altho I think it had something to do with seeing her ex-girlfriend and having the ex get all jealous of us before we were even going out. I also taped my CD of the album for Loopy before we were going out... I drew a lovely cover art and left it in a bag on her doorknob.

I've always loved the second song...
"I feel fine anytime she's around me now, and she's around me now almost all the time..."

The third song I think of in connection with the rehabilitation of our marriage after some problems... this is probably my all-time favorite love song. "Every day, every night, you alone are the love of my life..."

And the fourth also makes me think of those early days in Tucson....Loopy introduced me to Van Morrison, I think....drivin' around in ol' Elvistina (the big green dodge dart with the continuous bench of a front seat so I could cuddle up to Loopy while she drove...), blasting the radio and just feeling so happy and content....

I miss you, Lovey. I'm glad I don't have to be away too much longer. I'm so sad I wasn't there for your little ER jaunt. :-( :-( Love you!!!!


Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

aw, thanks!

I've been thanking you in my mind over the past couple of days:
*thanks for not leaving any laundry in the dryer
*thanks for doing all that housework you did before you left
*thanks for always making a fuss over me when I'm sick, even though I pretend to hate it
*thanks for calling to see how I was feeling
*thanks for going away when my life/studying gets really, really crazy :)
*thanks for remembering how much i love YOU
too much goo, sorry, i'm still not feeling perfectly well :)

goblinbox said...

This is why I have a lovey-dovey Socialist lesbian on my blogroll. The love! Awww! So cute!

Franklin said...

I seem to recall a certain lovey-dovey socialist lesbian actually singing a love song at her wedding, and doing quite a nice job of it, too.

Franklin said...

Oh, and by the way, after noticing the Moon Phase gizmo in your sidebar, I've decided to officially change my name to "Waning Gibbous." Sounds very up-market, don't you think?

birdfarm said...

Loveylove, so glad I'm home! And you're here! Yay!

Mushlette, goo & socialism is what we're all about around here...

Franklin, I have always loved that phrase (which I agree is quite upmarket, particularly in comparison to "Waxing Gibbous," which sounds like a description of what my Dad does after lunch right before he takes a nap). If you wish, see my comments on it in this post.