hmmmmmmmmm.......: this weekend's activities

Friday, July 15, 2005

this weekend's activities

in the name of love

Apparently Madison's Pride thingy is Sunday. (What, June wasn't hot & sticky enough for ya?).

I sorta feel like I should go this year, what with being gay being controversial again and all that. Anyone else from these parts wanna go? (since of course Loopy is in prelim hell). Well, let me know.

Here's a web page with the schedule... note the rally at (sweltering) noon at the (shadeless) capitol.

Or we could go line dancin' with the Dairyland Cowboys and Cowgirls. I was gonna say something sarcastic here but hey, it could be fun. (In the spirit of being more open-minded and flexible).

There's also...
Prairie Fest 2005 the International Crane Foundation out near Baraboo. There'll be naturalists leading wetland/prairie walks, pointing out/explaining all the different species of coneflower and crane, etc. I'd love to do that. Seriously. The website says you can learn all about bats and meet a goshawk. (Yes, I'm a big nature geek, in case y'all didn't already know that).

But then there's that whole "sweltering" issue again. Are there even cranes here this time of year?

I can't decide. It feels like there's too much else to do (mainly preparing for two upcoming trips) to use both weekend days in frivolous pursuits... and as usual when I can't decide, I'll probably do neither. But if anyone's inspired by one or the other, and is willing to accompany me, let me know.

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