hmmmmmmmmm.......: trying to navigate

Saturday, December 19, 2009

trying to navigate

Lately I've been having frama (that's friend drama, I just made it up) with a frush (that's a friend crush - i made that up too - i mean someone you want to be friends with a lot cuz they're so cool but you aren't sure if they want to be friends with you, so it's like a crush, but just friends).

Sometimes I think we're going to be great friends and confidantes, and sometimes I think this person is just too different from me. As Nad said, I need constant validation, and this guy is silent for days at a time, and when he emails he's often cryptic and weirdly detached. But he's really kind, fun and interesting in person...

He confuses me and I need solidity. But then I think it's gonna be ok and I get my hopes up. Then I think it's not, and I'm sad.

You see what I mean - frush. frama.

Michelle (Goblinbox) and Nadly have had front-row tickets and Miriam has heard some updates, so most of you already know all about it, so I won't waste more time, but it's been a big deal lately and it's on my mind...

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