
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Remember the new friend? Dang, he's intense. He's needy and tries not to be, which is so familiar to me from my end - usually it's me saying "it's ok" when it's not, "I don't mind" when I do, etc (see under recent posts about my frush-frama). He obviously has his own little frush-frama going. And I am presented with the same dilemma I have offered others - he seems like a great guy and I'd like to be friends, but at what point do the minuses outweigh the pluses? Lots of musing about boundaries and how they feel!

No exercise; talked to my meditation instructor but no meditation (she reminded me to just listen to the chaotic roar that is the mind without meditation... Don't fight it just observe it.) I realized that good time with wifey is also self care, which is easier than some of the other things! But I think that's just because we're getting along pretty well right now... I did get some work done today so that was good... Forgot to record yesterday that I made some progress clearing out the dining room, which has been a mess for 1.5 years... I dunno...



nadine said...

Interesting observation about your new friend. At what point will you decide you're not into it and gently distance yourself? Is the time spent with him worth it?

birdfarm said...

I obviously fell asleep after writing "No" lol. Thank you Beanlet, your responses are helpful... love you and happy new year!