hmmmmmmmmm.......: check-in #2

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

check-in #2

let's see... i've been sick all day... this morning at 5 a.m. i really wanted some hot chai and hot cereal so i dragged myself out of bed and made some... does that count as self care? it felt like it... not expecting anyone else to meet that need... i've been trying to take good care of myself all day, got some stuff done i was supposed to do, which felt good.

Still no meditation or exercise. Well being sick i think i can be excused from the exercise but... Nad told me how she had a rule that she had to put on her jogging clothes and go outside. sometimes she went right back in, sometimes she walked a bit, sometimes she went for a run. I was thinkin I should do that for meditation - my rule could be that every day I go down there and light some incense. If i meditate, great, if not, at least i've looked at my teachers' faces for a second or two.

sleepy, going to bed.


nadine said...

That's a good idea. Keep taking care of yourself - I hope you feel better soon. Yes - hot chai and cereal does count as self care.

miriam said...

the chai counts for sure!
keep us posted.