hmmmmmmmmm.......: check-in #3

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

check-in #3

spent a lot of the day on the computer, more than i'd like, chatting on this new site i've found. i'm hoping to make some real, real-life friends there with whom i could actually go places and do things around Chicago, and form some kind of long-term bond - you know, actual friends? - so that's sort of like self care. but i also caught myself thinking about it as something that was going to confirm me, make me happy, etc.

on the other hand, i didn't wait until midnight to start packing for our trip - i was all packed at 7:45, which was a first in my memory - and i had good vegetables for dinner - those were two self-care things. i had to bribe myself with cake to get both of those done, but it happened.

no meditation, no exercise. didn't get out of the car when i could have gone with wifey to walk her dogs; stayed in the car instead, chatting on my phone. yeah, the weather sucked, but the dogs were cute and it would have been fun. some positive time with wifey too... in the car we mostly bickered.

this accounting is interesting. i can see how i consistently come up way on the minus side.

off for pennsylvania tomorrow...

1 comment:

nadine said...

Have a good trip - safe travels. Accounting is useful to shed light on things. Yay for the pluses. Try not to beat yourself up over the minuses. All of this is about being mindful - both to learn as well as giving you an opportunity to think forward to tomorrow