hmmmmmmmmm.......: moving...

Monday, July 30, 2007


movin, movin on; movin, movin on
i been 'buked, i been scorned, i been talked about sure as you're born
but i'm movin, movin on; movin, movin on
--Sweet Honey in the Rock

and for some reason "rawhide" also keeps going through my head, with slightly different words:

movin movin movin, keep those doggies movin
movin movin movin, rawHIDE!

Mostly I'm glad to be moving. Yesterday as I finished cleaning the hot tub and started it refilling, I came into the house and said, "Never again, lovey, never again - if I ever start talking about wanting a house again, talk me out of it." It's too much damn work. "It's the perfect capitalist plot - the nuclear family in a giant house, keeps 'em too busy to be politically active or informed."

But this morning when I went out to put chemicals in the hot tub and start it up again, there was a tiny green frog in it, almost motionless from cold. And the sun was just getting high enough to stream through the leaves and I looked down the wooded hillside into the valley and allowed myself to feel how close to paradise this spot is. I took some pictures and though I didn't weep I felt like it.


Anonymous said...

I love you.

goblinbox said...

I love it when Dan Akroyd sings Rawhide in The Blues Brothers, 'cause it rawks.

I love hot tubs.

I love frogs.

If I never own a house again, that'll be just fine.

miriam said...

miss you and your paradise in the country. so sad (for me, for some reason!) to think of another family there. i will have to see you in chicago soon to situate you - so hard to imagine you there, not having seen you there yet (just stayed in your old place without you!)...