hmmmmmmmmm.......: at the risk of seeming negative...

Friday, July 20, 2007

at the risk of seeming negative...

...these things also suck.

While unpacking the contents of our kitchen cupboards, which I brought with me this trip to reduce cargo on the next trip, I discovered that a bottle of green food coloring broke inside the bag. While I was able to remove it from the countertop, sink, and floor, I cannot seem to get it off my hands, despite soap and scrubbing. Paradoxically, it continues to rub off on things I touch, leaving little green smears hither and yon.

This will definitely win me points in any job-interview-type situation.

As Loopy and I often say to each other, "you may think it's funny, but it's snot."

Also, I am really, really going to miss my front-loading washer. I've already lost one bra to the violence of the top-loader downstairs. I will also miss having laundry facilities in my own abode, reducing the incidence of socks and embarrassing undergarments draping themselves in public areas. And I will miss having a functional dishwasher.

*sigh* I'm spoiled I guess.

Do you think that the guy in the laundry room really wanted my number to tell me when his loads would be done, or because I'm not wearing a bra?

UPDATE: damn it all, now I have green food coloring on my tank top! arg! on the plus side, I can illustrate this and the previous point at the same time:

And because of the green-smudge problem, I had to change my laundry with gloves on. Fortunately I had a pair handy! lol


Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

whoooot! boob shot extraordinaire

birdfarm said...

just trying to whet your appetite babycakes... guess it worked! lol

Stephanie (dancingwaves) said...

It's me! :)

birdfarm said...

hiya Dancing! :-) :-)

miriam said...

the boob shot and the hand shot are too funny. i mean, they're snot. wait. that doesn't work in plural. damn.
; )

goblinbox said...

Mmm. Bosoms.