hmmmmmmmmm.......: two weeks...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

two weeks...

it is really, really, really hard to believe that it has only been two weeks since i loaded the dogs in the car and backed down the driveway (the moving truck prevented me from turning around), taking the last pictures of our house...

it feels like an eternity.

i don't necessarily feel any regrets or pinings for the house or for life in Wisconsin... but ohhhhhh I miss my best WI friend, Miriam.... and I just miss being somewhere familiar, or maybe just somewhere where the light comes in the windows at SOME point during the day!!!

it has been a roller coaster since we got here... i am finally certain of my job and our new place, but there have been days when we thought we would have to start all over again on each one. i am exhausted with all the uncertainty.

i don't have any information on my new job (curriculum, classroom, nothing) and apparently I won't have any until Aug. 20 when teachers are allowed into the building. so i'm just waiting... waiting... waiting... it's really agonizing.

i am anxious and obsessive... i only feel i have a choice between obsessing about how i might fuck up at my new job... or finding something else to obsess over... the "something else" has not been any fun... i've been crying too much and talking to my therapist too much... $$$$$

i will not be at all sorry when this month is over... god when this week is over! next week i will at least have something real to obsess over... the new job will take all of my time and attention and i CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!

i am going to meditation soon... have been going at the chicago center... it doesn't necessarily help but it doesn't hurt either....


goblinbox said...

Meditation? Center? You don't do TM, do you?!

birdfarm said...

nooooo.... lol but what is so awful abt TM? I don't really know anything about it...

I go to the Shambhala Center... I am leery of Shambhala itself (not totally sure it's not a cult), but I love Pema Chödrön (who doesn't?) and for various reasons that is the place I've been going for meditation... at this point, the organizations's approaches, language, habits and ways are familiar to me... *shrug*

how the heck are YOU? geez, maybe if I read your blog once in a while I would know! *shamefaced* i have not been reading any friends' blogs lately... don't take it personally...
