hmmmmmmmmm.......: icing on the cake

Friday, February 23, 2007

icing on the cake

so between walking, lying on ice, and taking a lot of pills (it's actually been lovely, the first time I've been pain-free since January 3 - I didn't realize how much pain I'd been in b/c I'd just gotten used to it!) I did some more research on the job situation and finally found a good starting point in chicago.

I figured if I could just find one school that's a place I'd like to teach, hopefully I can talk with principal and teachers there and get their recommendations for other places to try. So today... I found one! Yay!

Check it out... only 18 minutes from our current apartment in Chicago... and at least according tot he website, so close to my whole approach and teaching philosophy that I could just cry!

Although I love the "Six Feet Under" box set (it has furry "grass" on top!!), finding this school is the best birthday present I could have gotten.

Now I have to go lie down. Not only should I do that for my back, but I'm starting to feel queasy.... in addition to all the medication, I ate both the two Vosges chocolate bars Loopy gave me within the last few hours ("hey, it's my birthday!"), and, uh, yeah, that wasn't such a great idea.

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