hmmmmmmmmm.......: funny Loopy in her sleep

Sunday, February 04, 2007

funny Loopy in her sleep

Last night as we finally drove home after returning from our 12-day trip to PA, Loopy was asleep in the front seat and I was driving. (For years Loopy insisted on driving and I was always the one sleeping in the passenger's seat... it feels kind of nice to switch places... I identify with the protective Dad in the car commercials... it feels nice to drive carefully and gently for your beloved...)

Anyway. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a piece of paper fall out of the sun visor on the passenger's side--it fell onto Loopy's face, then slid down to the ground. Not realizing at that moment that she was asleep, I asked, "what was that?"

"What was what?" she said (asleep, but sounding awake).

Me: "The thing that fell on your head?"

Loopy: "Nothing fell on my head."

Me: "No, there was something, I think it was a piece of paper--something fell on your head."

Loopy (with conviction): "It was just a metaphor."

Me: "What? A metaphor fell on your head?"

Loopy (nodding emphatically, still in her sleep): "Yes."

1 comment:

goblinbox said...

You two know you're dorks, right? ;-)