hmmmmmmmmm.......: a moment of nostalgia for my high school

Saturday, January 20, 2007

a moment of nostalgia for my high school

Hey Rie (I don't think I have any other readers from high school...?), do you remember that geeky kid who used to wear that awesome green self-made t-shirt that read,
To err is human; to moo, bovine.


Yeah. Me too.


Chris said...

was that mike kinman? not-so-tall, way skinny dude in my year?

i don't remember who you're talking about for certain, but for some reason, i can just see him in that shirt. (-;

birdfarm said...

No, I know Mike K.

It was an odd little round guy with a balding head (in high school!), curly brown hair and glasses. The sort of person who never would have had any friends at any other high school...and was almost too geeky even for us. Almost.

I think he might well have been class of '84, since in my mind's eye I see him in the halls at THS and not RHS.