hmmmmmmmmm.......: rakin' in the big bucks now

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

rakin' in the big bucks now

Last year I made $436.93 in earned income. That's a $436.93 increase over the previous year. Pretty exciting.

'Course, it took me six weeks to make that, and I used to make that every 2.2 days. But a decimation of income (not to mention respect) are things you expect when you enter the teaching field.

So, here's to moving back into the ranks of breadwinners! Cheers!

Update on Loopy's nephew

Nothing much to say. Some things seem better, some things seem worse, some things seem the same. He's still asleep.

We hold his hand, we do jigsaw puzzles, we hold his hand, we read, we hold his hand, we go home to sleep and get up and do it again. And every morning when it's the alarm clock and not the phone that wakes us up, we are grateful.

I call Loopy with updates and she cries bitterly because she wants to be here with us. I wish she were.

If we haven't used up more than our share of your goodwill, prayers, support and encouragement, we could sure use some more...

At left, Ricky as a kid; apparently he was as sweet and sunny as he looks. His mom says, "he was my sunshine baby."

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