hmmmmmmmmm.......: self-portrait: warped

Friday, September 09, 2005

self-portrait: warped

Although I take lots of "normal" photos of flowers, buildings, friends, etc., I've always had a soft spot for photos that are just, well, weird. I tend to consider these photos rather juvenile & not very "good," i.e. not worth showing to others, but I entertain myself with them on the sly.

Recently I noticed that Loopy has this photo up in her office:

It's me, reflected in a mirrored wall in Munich (August 2001). Here's another—some other folks reflected in the same mirrored wall:

closeup of the guy's
head—cool, no?

Anyway, I think it's funny that she likes it enough to put it up in her office. I guess its warped quirkiness reminds her of me. Hee hee. I'm making it (a piece of it) my blogger profile photo since I guess it is very me-ish (well, me minus sixty pounds, but let's not get into that).

It's funny, with photography, I feel like I'm not doing anything in particular, just recording what's there. Sure, I fiddle with the light and line up shots to have certain angles, lines, color, form etc., but most of the time, I tend to feel like anyone could do what I'm doing—like anyone else taking the same photo would take it in the same way.

So I was fascinated to go see my friend Miriam's show a couple months ago. I love her work, but what was really surprising to me was that she photographed subjects similar to what I often choose, but in a totally different way. Then again Franklin's photos, which I started enjoying a short time later, are also totally different from mine or Miriam's.

I realize this sounds sort of stupid that it took me 34 years to realize that I have my own style of taking photos. But since I realized it, it has increased my enjoyment to start noticing commonalities among my photos—to actually try to figure out what my style is.

One thing I've noticed is that I like to have long sweeping diagonal lines.

Other than that I haven't gotten very far. But I'll keep you posted.

P.S. Miri has another show up now, tho I don't remember where (urg, bad friend), but when I find out I will tell you! She's awesome, you should really check out her work!

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