hmmmmmmmmm.......: monedita de oro

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

monedita de oro

the Spanish phrase of the day a couple days ago was, "nobody can please everyone all the time," or more literally, "nobody is a little gold coin to be loved by all the world." (Nadie es monedita de oro para caerle bien a todo el mundo).

I loved the idea of a "little gold coin" (monedita de oro) and then I decided that my Loopy is, in fact, a little gold coin to be loved by all the world. I changed the calendar page accordingly and stuck it on the bathroom mirror. (Loopy es monedita de oro para caerle bien a todo el mundo).

Ah, how much I amuse myself.
If Loopy were a little gold coin, perhaps she would be this one; it has a horsie on it
(Celtic, from 50 BC)

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