hmmmmmmmmm.......: well, this is it

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

well, this is it

this is my blog. i just finished my EdPsych exam, so one of my classes is completely done. this is my reward. i have some mixed feelings about this, but, we'll see how it goes. i can't decide what the purpose should be.

1) to post silly, funny things to make people laugh and think I am silly and funny
2) to muse about therapy-related stuff like my relationship with my mom and being more confident, calm, etc.
3) to rant about politics and education and stuff.

i'm considering having three blogs but i'm not sure it's worth the trouble. but i'm not sure who should be allwoed to read my blog, or read which blog. who would want to read about blog #2? I would be surprised but gratified if lovey read it. maybe miriam and nadine might possibly read it sometimes, although it seems extremely narcissistic to think that just because people are willing to tolerate my blabbering on about that stuff in their presence, and even listen and respond, that those people would therefore be willing to actively go to my blog and seek out the meandering therapy blabber. blog #3 could be semi-public, maybe share with my teacher friends. is blog #1 worth the time? it might be fun. maybe i could combine #1 and #2, and people who weren't interested could skip over the introspective bits. otherwise who would even read #2?

so who am i writing to? that's the intriguing part. maybe nobody! maybe just to myself. we'll see.

maybe i should have a separate blog for lotr stuff (that's lord of the rings, in case anyone else ever reads this)

one thing's sure, i'll probably write really, really really long posts and probably no one will want to read them! ah hahahahahahaaha!

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