hmmmmmmmmm.......: i'm working on it

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

i'm working on it

insight for the week: if I'm always late or overdue with something, then I always have a reason to refuse to do anything I don't want to do. So it's an inefficient way to control everything and make other people adapt to me. But it's not very much fun and it's sort of embarrassing. Think of how many more things I could do with my time if I just hurried and finished up what I have to get done, and then had all this spare time! Well, the worry is of course that I wouldn't get stuff done, because I tend to fill up all the available time working on whatever it is. So if I leave it to the last minute and do other stuff in the interim, the (somebody's anyway) idea seems to be that I will get to do more stuff. But it's very stressful and it's not necessarily what I would first most choose to do. So I have to be able to just decide not to spend much time on something, but do it first instead of last. It would be great to always be ahead of the game. And also give myself permission to say "no" to things I don't want to do, instead of "needing" this backup "reason" or excuse for not doing stuff (i.e. "i can't because I have to do my homework").

all my boring posts will be that color i think. i'm going to color code instead of making separate blogs. I think. maybe.

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