hmmmmmmmmm.......: i'm sooooo sleepy

Friday, May 21, 2004

i'm sooooo sleepy

so go to bed. jeeziz, what the hell is wrong with you anyway???

i'm rereading poisonwood bible. that is an awesome book. (the connection here is "jeeziz" which I respelled to avoid offending anyone unduly).

i'm almost done with my semester. so why don't i just finish already and go to sleep? what am i a glutton for punishment????????????
(see previous post for the answer to that question, i guess!!)

as soon as i'm done with my semester here are some other things i have to do...

  • find a cooperating teacher !!! for the fall (i.e. someone for me to be a student teacher with)
  • prepare to be a student teacher (lesson plans etc)
  • clean the whole goddamn house, which is slowly filling up to its gills with STUFF
  • put our scotland photos in an album
  • make loopy's knitting binder which was sposed to be a bday present but my arm got hurt
  • make loopy's green notecards which ditto
  • fix the garden!! dandelions everywhere, worms on the roses, blackspot looming too, more worms on the hollyhocks (it seems that hollyhocks are the most deliciousest things ever, even more delicious than roses, cuz i have to spray them all the time and pick bugs off... but they are so gorgeous it's worth it!!), plant the half-barrels (petunias this year?), fertilize everything (get compost out of the bin and make compost tea)...
  • consider flying to Boston to get married (the excitement has worn off a bit but I still feel sorta like we shuold take advantage of this momentous historical moment.......... but really mostly i'm kinda sleepy)
  • contact folks I know in the SF bay area to see if they want to get together in August (i really want to see my English teacher from Japan, but somehow I always end up offending her....last time i said that she was an inspiration to me, considering that she is just as procrastinatory and ineffective as me and yet she accomplished a lot of stuff. somehow it came out wrong and just sounded like an insult. I hope she wants to see me... there's also my high school friend Mari who got married and had a kid, only now she has two. I gave up on her but Mom got a card from her. Maybe it would be nice to see her... she didn't seem too happy to see me last time, but.... who knows. maybe she was just tired. i hear being a mom is tiring)
  • oh yeah, write that darn article on a socialist perspective on gay marriage that i promised to soli news...
  • double oh yeah, i am going to write an email to Camilly to explain everything, like, how I can't be an enabler for her abusive relationship anymore. that won't be fun. But, well... what can I do?
  • also loopy says I should check out Alanon so I would get better at not letting people dump their crap on me (her, Camilly, the students, other teachers.....)

aside from the last couple, a lot of that is actually fun stuff. so let's do it, let's get this over with, let's finish this damn paper and go to bed and be DONE with semester #3 out of 4 semesters of teacher education. yee haw! actually a terrifying thought. ok, nuf already gnight.

1 comment:

Rebekah Ravenscroft-Scott said...

you also need to call steve bassett and get them to do the woodpile; call the gutter people and get them to fix the gutters; figure out the roof situation, and get someone to paint the house and put down gravel on the top of the driveway.