hmmmmmmmmm.......: but you have to care, it's your paper

Monday, May 24, 2004

but you have to care, it's your paper

now i'm worried that i ruined loopy's paper. i got overly enthusiastic i think. this is all new and exciting for me but she's been suffering in labor with this thing for years. ah, it's been what, five years? what's a few more hours? (of course, she just can't wait for it to be over! so close!!!)
yay loopy, go loopy, go GO GO


                     yay yay yay!

          almost there!! *cartwheels*  whee!

i know she will put humpty dumpty back together again, i hope it's not too too painful!

it's tough because you want to put in more of the interesting little details and tidbits. we got so much awesome dirtout of all those interviews, and a lot of it would probably be fascinating to her colleagues who study religion and social movements--even without any theory attached, just all by itself. but the "rules" of the academic game dictate that we can only put stuff in that "counts" as "evidence" toward her fabulous new theory.

maybe she should scrap the theory and write a research report. cuz then she could put in about being "off the ball on the second standard" (i.e., don't ask intellectual questions or we'll accuse you of masturbating...... huh??? what kind of sense does that make? god, those people were freaks!!) maybe she could do a separate article about all the fascinating dirt............................

ANYWAY, all this reminds me why i'm so glad i dropped out of grad school. if i don't have to go back to school for "professional recertification" (some teaching BS) then I only have probably two more papers to write, ever, ever, ever!!! although, i wonder what it would take to finish my MA at Columbia. I finished more classes there than I thought. (I always thought I only had like one grade, but actually I only had two or three incompletes. Who knew?) I still remember the classical Japanese stuff, but I don't know if I could read the theory. Maybe my new Japanese tutor could help me.

Geek comment du jour: This morning I learned that Sam (Sean Astin) got a piece of glass right through his foot while filming the scene where he wades into the river after Frodo ("Of course you are, MrFrodo, and I'm going with you!") I knew he cut his foot at some point, and that's why he was so cranky when they filmed the Black Gate sequence, but now I actually saw the event (including the dressing of the wound) on camera. eeew, grody!

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