hmmmmmmmmm.......: what a load of crap.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

what a load of crap.

This quote scrolled across the top of my gmail today:

"Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be."
-- Daniel J. Boorstin


In my opinion, freedom is three things:

    Freedom is safety—having your physical needs met so that you can think about something besides whether you and your children will survive the next week.

    Freedom is being able to speak your mind without fear of government repression.

    Freedom is self-determination—having some ability to affect the outcome of all decisions that affect you.

In my estimation (yes, this is my blog, it's all about my opinions and estimations), we in the US only have the second of those three definitions of freedom. And that one is sliding down a slippery slope.

They're right that "freedom isn't free." But not enough people seem willing to pay the price for everyone to gain freedom.

Oh well. Maybe some other century.

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