hmmmmmmmmm.......: unexpurgated

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Apparently a white cop shot a Black kid at Memorial with a taser (for "resisting arrest," although the arrest warrant turned out to be a clerical error), and the police chief won't apologize.

I posted to Madteach about this (you can read my post & find a link to more information here), but decided to delete part of the post, which then set off a whole train of thought... Although it's unlikely that anyone will ever read MadTeach, I have to think about what would happen if a lot of people started reading it...I admit I have a fantasy of being linked from Rethinking Schools and other radical lefty teachers and blogs... But if that happened, could I really be anonymous? Two possible results... (a) I would start to be a lot more self-conscious about what I posted, (b) if I said something "controversial" in a thoughtless moment, and it were taken out of context, it could wreck my career. Hmmm. What should I do? I can't decide. I could either (a) abandon the plan to make MadTeach more public (which I was going to do by getting it all set up then emailing all my teacher friends to check it out) or (b) try to be a lot more anonymous about it (plan a, except instead of saying "check out my blog" I say "check out this blog I found!" and refuse to tell if it's me when asked), or... any other options?

Here's what I pulled from the post. I was concerned that people wouldn't get the irony in the first part, and I was concerned about people jumping down my throat for posting the second part without any Research or Data or whatever to back myself up....

Anyway, herewith the expurgated portion:

"We weren't trying to arrest you, kid, just terrorize your community some more... we thought it'd been too long since we busted some Black ass."

I guess this is a chance for the new police chief (left) to show that he can beat up on Black kids just as well as any white guy. Is it my imagination, or is there a pattern here? I mean, I get the feeling that any new Black police officer (senator, whatever) has to prove that he's not going to go against the prevailing racism of his environment in any fundamental sense. Once he's done that, the white cops (senators, whatever) will let him do his job. Otherwise he's toast.

Thoughts? comments? Oh, and vote on my poll, already!!! You're making me feel like you don't want me to go away!

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